The decision to treat prostate cancer is a very personal one that is based on many different factors. Robotic prostatectomy, or surgical prostate removal, is an excellent option if you and your medical provider have decided to treat your prostate cancer with removal. It is estimated that more than 60 percent of all prostatectomies done in the United States are done with the assistance of a surgical robot.

What Is The Robot?
The surgical robot used by Tooele Urology is a system that allows for improved vision and mobility while maintaining a minimally-invasive approach to surgery. Prior to the surgical robot, surgeons using minimally-invasive instruments were limited in vision and in mobility with the instruments. The surgical robot allows the surgeon to manipulate the usual surgical tools with the same accuracy as he would if the abdomen were open while maintaining the closed, minimally-invasive approach of laparoscopy (or operating using a camera instead of opening the belly completely).

Why Use The Robot?
Many years of studies have shown that robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy is as equally effective as the long-standing open prostatectomies performed in the past. However, there are added benefits to the patients as well. After years of scientific studies we now know patients may have:

  • Faster recovery
  • Less pain
  • Shorter hospital stays
  • Quicker return to normal activities
  • Less scarring
  • Less blood loss
  • Less chance of needing blood transfusions
  • Less risk of infection

The individual results of surgery will vary from patient to patient. As with all surgical procedures, there are no guarantees of benefits or outcomes.